01 C 18 A: The announcement of retirement is not to be made until tomorrow. B: Too late, it ________ to the press this morning. (A) leaks (B) leaked (C) was leaked (D) leak 02 C 18 A: Who read this report on my desk? B: Your eager new assistant opened all the mail that ________ this morning. (A) had delivered (B) delivered (C) was delivered (D) is delivered 03 C 18 A: Why was funding cut for my program? B: The new administration __________ all foreign cultural aid funds. (A) were reduced (B) was reduced (C) reduced (D) reduced it 04 B 18 A: Can you believe the ratings we're getting now? B: It doesn't make any defference, our innovative new television series ________ off the air. (A) had taken (B) is being taken (C) is taking (D) were taken 05 D 18 A: Why did the congressman hit that reporter? B: The reporter _______ questions to the congressman in a belligerent tone. (A) poses (B) was posed (C) were posed (D) posed 06 A 18 A: I thought he was too rational to react so strongly. B: Well, you know rational people have been known to ________ strange things under stress. (A) do (B) does (C) is done (D) are done 07 A 18 A: The problem keeps getting worse. What did the mayor say? B: The mayor told the reporters that the problem ________ care of already. (A) had been taken (B) will be took (C) will take (D) will be taken 08 C 18 A: How can I get you to love me? B: Insecure people, like yourself, often believe that giving gifts is a good way ________ by others. (A) to love (B) love (C) to be loved (D) is loved 09 B 18 A: What a shame that there are no trees on this land. B: The colonists ________ the land for pasture. (A) were cleared (B) cleared (C) were being cleared (D) clearing 10 A 18 A: The press has too much freedom. Someone should do something. B: What are you talking about? Control of the press ________ by every concerned citizen. (A) has been opposed (B) has opposed (C) has opposing (D) opposed 11 C 18 A: When did you first discover the extent of the problem? B: Not until the project __________ and the final report was distributed. (A) completed (B) complete (C) was completed (D) have completed 12 D 18 A: Why is metal hammered, worked, and cooled rapidly? B: To relieve internal stresses __________ by heating. (A) causing (B) cause (C) to cause (D) caused 13 B 18 A: How was the water added to the test tube? B: The technician __________ a large-gauge hollow needle through a cork in the base made of opaque material. (A) was inserted (B) inserted (C) inserting (D) to insert 14 D 18 A: Where do inventors get so many ideas? B: They __________ theories to everyday phenomena to create products for man's use. (A) applied (B) were applied (C) applying (D) apply 15 B 18 A: How can I get this stain out of my shirt? B: If you first soak it in solvent it can then easily __________ by adding distilled water. (A) removed (B) be removed (C) remove (D) removing 16 B 18 A: How will the spacecraft achieve orbit? B: It will be __________ from Earth by rockets. (A) propelling (B) propelled (C) propel (D) to propelling 17 D 18 A: Pete Rose is such a great baseball player. He's my hero. B: Yes, but remember, some aspects of a pro athlete's life are not really intended ________________. (A) to emulate (B) emulate (C) be emulated (D) to be emulated 18 A 18 A: You look upset. What happened? B: I think I __________ the smell of women's perfume on my husband's shirt last night. (A) detected (B) detect (C) to detected (D) detecting 19 A 18 A: Entrepreneurs have such exciting lives! B: Risks that __________ by them are stimulating but , they pose a constant threat to their financial security. (A) are being taken (B) being taken (C) taken (D) are being taking 20 C 18 A: Oil and gold both had an uprecedented price increase in the 90s. B: Yes, but they have not been popular recently and __________ placed on the most favored stock lists. (A) not been (B) have been not (C) have not been (D) have being not